Making Father's Day Memories On The Golf Course!

Making Memories with Dad on the Golf Course

 Arccos CEO Sal Syed joins ModGolf Podcast

“The engine behind Arccos technology captures what you are doing on the golf course which leads to making better decisions and results in better performance outcomes”. Sal Syed, Co-Founder and CEO of Arccos Golf, returns to the show for his second appearance to join host Colin Weston and share how Arccos is innovating, iterating, and scaling up.

ModGolf has been watching how Arccos has evolved and innovated its product and user experience over the past year and figured it was time to get Sal back on the show for an update. They learned that the power of partnerships and honest customer feedback has propelled Arccos sensors forward as their product offering has become more robust and refined.

Sal shares an inspiring story written by a passionate Arccos member describing how Arccos Caddie helped to create a lifetime memory for a father and his son.

For more on ModGolf, check out their website!



Looking to become an Arccos Caddie member? Join today by purchasing a set of Arccos Caddie Smart Sensors or Arccos Caddie Smart Grips and start improving faster.