PING + Arccos
PING’s quest to help golfers optimize their performance through on-course data access and analysis has led to a collaboration with Arccos, the pioneer of big data and artificial intelligence for golf.
All PING club purchasers have the opportunity to get a special offer that includes free Arccos Smart Sensors for their clubs and a 45-day free trial to the Arccos app.
To see if you are eligible visit our PING-Arccos webpage and enter your email.

“By equipping all their clubs with an Arccos Smart Grip or Smart Sensor, golfers can access valuable information relating to their performance before, during and after a round that will lead to lower scores and more enjoyment on the golf course. In addition to providing exact distances from any point on the golf course and club recommendations, the app collects thousands of data points that can be analyzed to uncover opportunities for further improvement through set make up or other equipment refinements.” – John K. Solheim, PING President