New Feature, Coming Soon...

You’re sitting nicely in the fairway, the ball perched up perfectly on the fine-cut blades of grass, dressed in light dew. You clock the pin, which is nestled in the front right corner, at 163 yards. You reach for your 8 iron, but a gust of wind hits your back, leaving you a touch unsure… Arccos' plays like distance notes 157; you stick with your 8, but decide not to power your swing too much. It’s a perfect swing, it’s a perfect impact. 

You look up to find your ball gracefully gliding through the air, aligning with where the pin is. “Go.. Go.. Go!” Thud, the ball lands, thud… thud… thud…, as you watch the ball rolling towards the pin, is it about to go in? … just shy, but soo close! You’ve marked the pin and proceed to line up your putt, tap… clink! Back of the cup. That was easy. Now if only every shot was like that! 

Reflecting on the round later, you can't help but marvel at that incredible 157-yard, 8 iron shot that nestled just 3 feet from the pin. The highlight of the day, no doubt! You’re showing your buddies after the round, even take a screenshot to remember it for later. 

Now what if we told you that that 157-yard, 8 iron that was stuck to 3ft beat 97% of shots on TOUR? 

What if you got rewarded every time you hit a shot similar to it, with a badge? 

And what if we made it super shareable? 

Coming soon… the newest feature available only to Arccos Members , TOUR Quality Approach. We can’t wait to see your amazing TOUR-level shots!  The pros are constantly tracking their game; you should be too!